Thursday, November 18, 2010


Luke 12:27

"Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are

I'm growing and learning a lot about myself and how FAST three months go by. But never the less I have people praying for me every where around the world praise God! I pray that I grow more and the Lord knows I need it. I'm also praying for my coworkers and people I come into contact that they will have strength and that God is the only one who gives you true strength. And today on my home from work really couldn't breathe because the way I act at work my joy isn't over flowing with God's love I am far away where I want to be and just setting an example.

Isaiah 40:31

but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not

Can't wait till the day I hop away to Australia

Australia money

The vision I got from my Jesus of His blessings He is going to pour out through His beautiful hands. I need to live in this blessing and His words and not doubt. Praise Him He is worthy! Wow! This is how I get my inspiration from my unfailing Father Jesus. It gives me a Joy that jumps over sadness to know my God knows every thing, knows my name, desires and every detail about everyone on HIS planet.

Luke 12:7

And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.  

Check out this book : 
The Seven Longings Of The Human Heart
Mike Bickle with Deborah Hibert

It's amazing but not amazing as the Bible :)

You deserve-In A Valley By The Sea

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My support letter :D

     Hey everyone!
I just want to let you know I’m going to Darwin Australia on February 26th 2011 through the 13th 2011 for a (DTS) Discipleship Training School with YWAM. And through this DTS I will be learning how to go deeper with God and how to find my place in the mission field. The first 12 weeks in DTS will be in classroom phase then followed by camping in the Australian outback for two weeks and then there is   the 
outreach phase for 12 weeks. Outreach phase normally starts within Australia, and then heads into  South East Asia or the Pacific region - places like Thailand, Indonesia, East Timor, The Philippines and India. I love YWAM because they are all over the world impacting lives with the biggest and everlasting gift of all time. YWAM has a decentralized structure that encourages new vision and the exploration of new ways to change lives through training, conveying the message of the gospel and caring for those in need.        They are currently 
operating in more than 1000 locations in over 150 countries, with a staff of nearly 16,000. God gave me the vision to do missions when I was in my room painting and just praise and worshiping my Jesus. And I just asked Him simply where do You want me to be in life where do you want me to go because all of my plans I make just fall to the ground every time. He told me to draw, I was thinking to myself and was like no I’ll just pray longer, but I really wanted to draw so I did. I mean hello God knows my heart and the desirers it has. I first didn’t know 
what this drawing meant and then I heard God very clearly say GO. So I was thinking it looked like Africa so I had to Google it right away and then I was looking at Australia and it was the northern territory of Australia to the T with detail!!  There is no where I would rather be than in His promise and all that He has for me I just feel more alive doing the work of my Abba Father. YWAM’s motto is: to know God and to make Him known. Which I am all about making God known even if it’s paying for some ones coffee behind me in line at Starbucks or just spending time with someone. He also has Called me to Indonesia which is crazy because that’s where I might be 
going with my outreach phase. I want to go full out missions for the rest of my life even though this is my first time out of the USA and will be gone for such a long time. I believe God is going to bless me and He knows me better than I know myself so why don’t I just jump and trust Him completely? I’m so ready to make Him known and make hell less crowded. I believe God has made every and I mean every heart to long for Him so it’s easy to put up a wall on a none believer but pull that wall down because they don’t know what their missing so tell them. I would love prayer for open doors and open hearts in Australia as well as in Wichita Kansas. I also have a blog 
right now if you want to follow me at I would also love to encourage you to stay strong and pray constantly He loves hearing your voice. Jesus is about relationships and spending time with you He enjoys you just ask Him.In order to go down under in February I’m in need of support so you can help me out in three big ways. The first is encouraging me by emailing me at . The second is prayer Matthew 21:22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Or thirdly you can support me financially I need to raise $8,600. I pray that you may follow what God has put on your heart to support me in any type of way.

                                                                    Your sister in Christ,  


                                                                   Whitney Joy Whitaker

I also saw a vision and painted this similar picture. 

Lets Go and tell the world and set the trail blazing!